The Day of the Lepus
The tautly written, multi-layered crime mystery set in a post-dystopian urban United Kingdom after Earth’s sixth mass extinction, Resembling Lepus by Australian author Amanda Kool, arrived today with widespread support from industry influencers and dark fiction readers. Resembling Lepus is the debut dark speculative fiction...
Coming-of-Age Trauma
The troubled life of a teen struggling with the tragedies of her past amid the scurrilous gossip of a dead-end town is eloquently chronicled in the dark, gritty, and deeply disturbing psychological thriller, The Dark Matter of Natasha, coming from Shirley Jackson Award-nominated author Matthew...
Series 2022
Fresh ideas from talented voices are the sparks igniting the passion of literary creativity featured in the new Emergent Expressions imprint from Grey Matter Press (GMP) as the publisher announces the imprint's complete line-up for calendar year 2022....
Publishing Needs – February 2022
As of March 22, 2021: We are currently looking for submissions of exceptional long-format fiction in the novel and novella categories that comfortably fit within the suspense/thriller, dark fantasy and crime/noir genres....
Post-Dystopian Atrocities
Earth’s sixth mass extinction has ended, and survivors who have struggled with unhealthy air, food rations and regimented energy consumption are now faced with disturbing new challenges when a detective leads an investigation into a string of inconceivable murders that have rocked her city. This...
Emergent Expressions
Multiple-award-winning author and master of the dark fantastique, Alan Baxter, has unleashed the third chapter of his Eli Carver Supernatural Thriller Series in Ghost Recall which is now available worldwide from Chicago-based independent publisher Grey Matter Press (GMP)....
Publishing Needs – March 2021
As of March 22, 2021: We are currently looking for submissions of exceptional long-format fiction in the novel and novella categories that comfortably fit within the suspense/thriller, dark fantasy and crime/noir genres....